Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.
As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.
Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.
As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.

Friction stir welding for improving joinability of high-performance steels for automotive components to boost green road mobility
The EU aims at reducing road vehicle emissions by 30-40% until 2030. Lightweight, electrification and fuel efficiency are the targeted approaches.
The steel industry responded by developing advanced-high strength (AHSS), press hardening (PHS) and enhanced machinability steels. AHSS/PHS combined with Al cast nodes and Al extrusions in bodywork significantly reduce weight, improve performance and safety.
The EU-project Stir4Steel under the RFCS programme will provide efficient, environmental-friendly and cost-effective methodologies to join these materials. It will enable breakthrough multi-material solutions for battery trays, shock towers/front rails, B-pillars and monoblock pistons, leading to weight-optimized vehicle components and lower CO2 footprint.
The global aim of the Stir4Steel project is to solve weldability challenges in steel based multi-material structures and in difficult-to-weld similar steel joints using innovative solid-state joining processes.
Stir4Steel will deliver efficient, environment-friendly and cost-effective friction stir welding joining technologies, leading to weight-optimized components with complex geometries, superior crashworthiness properties and lower CO2 footprint by their production.

Multi-Material Welding
develop Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding (RFSSW) based joining solutions for Steel/Al joints with AHSS and PHS, for their implementation in advanced multi-material electric vehicle battery tray structures, shock towers/front rails and B-pillars.
advance the FSW technology in order to weld same-material components made of enhanced-machinability steel grades (e.g. engine pistons) and to extend the technical limits of the stir welding technology in terms of weldable thickness (from 10-15 mm today up to 25 mm) and process robustness by improved tool life and reliability for such applications.
model the mechanical performance of the Steel/Al joints and of friction stir welded high-machinability steel grades, correlating the properties of the joints to process parameters and welding procedures.
produce and test four steel-optimised, multi-material demonstrators: advanced eletric vehicle battery tray structure, shock towers/front rails, joints B-Pillar structure and engine pistons.
New insights
Industrialization simulation video for the B-Pillar
Have a look on how easy could be the industrialization of one of the STIR4STEEL project demonstrators: a Carbody B-Pillar ( Aluminum 6016 T4) + Bodyside Panel (Steel PHS ).

Industrialization simulation video
Led by a tip-of-the-spear consortium consisting of steel producers, car manufacturers, FSW joining technologists, and innovation experts, Stir4Steel aims to pave the way for more sustainable applications and higher penetration of advanced steel grades in the automotive as well as aviation, trains and shipbuilding sectors.