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Industrialization simulation video for the B-Pillar is ready!

Have a look on how easy could be the industrialization of one of the STIR4STEEL project demonstrators: a Carbody B-Pillar ( Aluminum 6016 T4) + Bodyside Panel (Steel PHS ).


First Glance of Industrialization 

The industrialization simulation for the B-Pillar being part of D 6.1 allows the first results inside the Stir4steel project.



WP3 workshop and consortium meeting at Hereon

The face-to-face Consortium meeting took place in person on 6th and 7th September 2023 in Geesthacht, Germany, hosted by the project partner HEREON.


Heading towards technical advantages

Design of experiments (DoE) approach is employed to discover the process parameter window and obtain the optimal process parameters for the selected material combination and joint design.


Minimize the footprint –

various perspectives to be considered

The project’s LCA activities focus also on the assessment of the environmental situation of automotive reference demonstrators, which includes existing conventional joints, materials etc. These calculated data serves as baseline scenarios and will be compared with the developed new demonstrators and its novel technologies.


Zooming in


Base material characterization presented in D 4.1 focuses on microstructural as well as main mechanical properties characterization of all materials for each use case.


Time is money –

enhanced machinability steels helps saving

Engine pistons – the heart of today‘s internal combustion enginges (ICE) – are subjected to demanding operating conditions. especially in terms of temperature as well as pressure. Thus especially for heavy duty diesel engines this leads in some cases to the preference of steel over aluminum.


Consortium Meeting

The second Consortium Meeting took place in person on 17th and 18th of May 2022 in Graz/Austria, hosted by the coordinator Stirtec at their premises.


Outsmart corrosion –

a key challenge for dissimilar refill friction stir spot welding

In a bid to enhance the corrosion resistance of dissimilar refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) joints between aluminum and steel, a new strategy employing Dupont Betamate 1822 sealant has been implemented as detailed in D 1.4.


Setting the scene and where to go!

Multi-material lightweighting concepts using steel and aluminum are emerging to boost vehicle performances. Smart material joining is detrimental for such concepts’ success.


First steps

The main industrial requirements for the new joining technologies to be developed have been defined.



Development of next generation friction stir welding technology.

Ramping of for tackling challenges including welding of multi-material structures and joining difficult to weld steels started with the kick off meeting of the Stir4Steel on the 18th of October 2021.


This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, a programme managed by the European Commission, supporting research in the coal and steel sectors in Europe under grant agreement No. 101034068. 

© 2024 Stir4Steel

Facts and Figures

  • Start date:     1st of September 2021

  • Duration:       36 months

  • EC Funding:  EUR 1.17 M

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