Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.
As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.
Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.
As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.

D2 (D1.2) Definition of the material to be used in use case I and use case II
D3 (D1.3) Definition of dimensions and chemical composition of “enhanced machinability” material
D5 (D2.1) FSW welded steel samples for mechanical testing
D6 (D2.2) Tool lifetime assessment
D7 (D2.3) Release of Software tool / SPC online-tool
D8 (D3.1) Process parameter optimization for the selected material combination and joint design
D9 (D3.2) Tool wear Refill FSSW
D10 (D3.3) Process optimisation demonstrators
D11 (D4.1) Mechanical and metallurgical characterization of base materials
D12 (D4.2) Microstructrual analysis
D16 (D5.1) Characterisation Case I
D19 (D6.1) Industrial process design
D 20 (D6.2) Industrial process design and simulation for FEV battery case
Summary of the work performed during the 1st reporting period
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