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The Stir4Steel consortium consists of 6 partners from 4 different EU countries: Germany (HZG), Italy (CRF), Austria (STIRTEC, i2m) and Spain (SIDENOR, ARITEX).

With this partner setting the Stir4Steel consortium provides the necessary research capabilities and industrial expertise to ensure not only the achievement of the project technical objectives but also the market uptake of the proposed solutions.



Stirtec GmbH

Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.


As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.

Country: Austria



Sidenor I+D SA

Sidenor is one of the European leaders in special steel long products. With an installed capacity of 1 million tonnes per year, it produces straight bars (rounds and flat), bar in coil and wire from a range of 5.5 mm to 220 mm diameter of high quality engineering steel grades. The main market is automotive and energy. Sidenor I+D is the research and development centre of Sidenor. It has a manpower of 44 persons (90% of them are PhD and engineers) working in 2 departments: Process and Product. It has its own Research Laboratory, which is equipped with modern test facilities both for metallurgical characterisation as for physical simulation. It also has capabilities for numerical simulation through the use of both commercial (FEM,...) as well as its own developed software.


One of the strengths of SIDENOR I+D comes from the easy access to the production plants in order to carry out at industrial level the required experimental work, process monitoring and data acquisition. The Centre has extensive experience in carrying out RFCS projects over a number of years, in nearly all the Technical Committees (TGA´s). At present Sidenor I+D is involved in 21 RFCS Projects. Also, Sidenor I+D is usually collaborating in RFCS Programme both sending representatives as TGA Committee Members and to the yearly Proposals Evaluation Sessions too.

Country: Spain



i2m Unternehmensentwicklung GmbH

i2m is a technology development and management consultancy focusing on technology development for automotive, 

industry/machinery as well as the pharma and energy sectors. Bringing results of basic research as well as concept development with national and international partners from industry and research, with a cooperative approach, to market maturity is one of the strengths of i2m. The resulting products and services have a strong competitive advantages and are characterized by reduced development costs and short development times. 

i2m focuses to boost the return on innovation by shortening time to money and making innovations more digital and green. The latter fits perfectly with its project activities on LCA.

Country: Austria




CRF, founded in 1978, has the mission to develop and transfer innovative products, processes and methodologies in order to improve the competitiveness of the products of the Stellantis Group. Also through the cooperation with a pan-European and increasingly global network of more than 1700 partners from Industry and academia, CRF conducts collaborative research initiatives at the national and international levels in partnership with all the key public and private stakeholders concerned with Sustainable Mobility, targeting specifically the industrial exploitation of research.


CRF develops research and innovation along the three principal axes of sustainability: Environmental Sustainability, which encompasses all aspects relating to energy efficiency as well as to the reduction of the impact on the environment over the entire lifecycle of the vehicle; Social Sustainability, focusing on the safety of transportation systems through the development of active, passive, preventive and cooperative solutions while addressing the mobility of all users irrespective of their specific needs; Economically sustainable competitiveness, oriented towards viable innovation.

Country: Italy



Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH (Hereon) 

Hereon is one of 19 members of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany’s largest scientific organisation. Hereon is located in Geesthacht near Hamburg with branches in Teltow and in Hamburg, with a total staff of approximately 1100 employees, including about 750 scientists, engineers and technicians.

The Solid State Materials Processing department is part of the Institute of Materials Mechanics, and works on basic and applied research topics in the area of friction welding and friction based deposition processes.The research activities in this area comprise: RFSSW, FSW, Friction Surfacing, etc. The joining of lightweight structures for the automotive, aircraft and aerospace applications have been an integral part of Hereon’s core research programme for the last 20 years. This commitment has been documented in a large number of European funded projects and bi-lateral industrial projects.

Country: Germany



Aritex Cading SA

ARITEX is a company that provides automation solutions for assembly processes, acting in Aeronautic and automotive industries. Throughout its more than 50 years of experience, the company has consolidated as a reliable partner for its OEM customers, for which it designs, develops and implements turnkey projects, integrating tailored automation solutions that comply with the most demanding requirements on accuracy and repeatability for joining processes, such as the integration of in-house developed products for the automation of welding, drilling, riveting or machining processes, based on commercial robotic platforms or integrating our own PKM patented robot TRICEPT®.


Process end-effectors can be integrated from mature technology stakeholders or self-developed by the R&D / engineering ARITEX departments. ARITEX is a worldwide company with permanent presence in 6 countries.

Country: Spain



This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, a programme managed by the European Commission, supporting research in the coal and steel sectors in Europe under grant agreement No. 101034068. 

© 2024 Stir4Steel

Facts and Figures

  • Start date:     1st of September 2021

  • Duration:       36 months

  • EC Funding:  EUR 1.17 M

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