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                                                     First Glance of Industrialization -                                         04.08.2023

Outlook for the Bodyside B-Pillar

The industrialization simulation for the B-Pillar being part of D 6.1 allows the first results inside the Stir4steel project, the concept is a typical car bodyside geometry with the exceptional feature of having dissimilar material joining (Aluminum and Galvanized steel), the solution based on the Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding and the latest development on the Stir4steel project testing, demonstrate the feasibility of the industrialization of the assembly following the automotive body in white standards.

The FSSW guns by STIRTEC offers the same flexibility as standard Resistance welding guns and can be installed in a standard 6-axis robot and customized to the shape of the stamped part.

A complete welding process is being designed and simulated using SIEMENS Process Simulate software to demonstrate the feasibility.

Robot assembly cells

Sketch of robot assembly cells for industrialization concept development


This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, a programme managed by the European Commission, supporting research in the coal and steel sectors in Europe under grant agreement No. 101034068. 

© 2024 Stir4Steel

Facts and Figures

  • Start date:     1st of September 2021

  • Duration:       36 months

  • EC Funding:  EUR 1.17 M

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