Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.
As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.
Stirtec GmbH is a leading high-tech company in the field of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), located in Premstätten, Styria (Austria). Stirtec was initially established in 2010 as a spin-off of Graz University of Technology in the Science Park Graz to exploit the commercial potential of the Friction Stir Welding technology for industrial applications. Based on more than 10 years of scientific research resulting in five patents, and together with the successful implementation of various industrial projects in close customer cooperation, Stirtec is now a leading solution provider in the field of FSW.
As a pioneer for joining so far nonweldable metals (dissimilar materials, such as steel and copper and high strength steels), the company is offering machines, software and tools for demanding applications to European and US customers. Stirtec has established an initial client base of satisfied reference customers in both the transportation and industrial sectors, securing high trust in the company. Stirtec wants to be the clear market leader in Europe for friction stir welding for industrial applications, serving globally active customers.
Setting the scene and where to go 07.03.2022
Multi-material lightweighting concepts using steel and aluminum are emerging to boost vehicle performances. Smart material joining is detrimental for such concepts’ success. Mechanical joining as Self-pierce riveting (SPR) or Flow drew screw (FDS) that are currently used for multi-material joining add undesired weight and costs compared to traditional welding used for homogeneous materials. To outrun these shortcomings of mechanical joining the STir4Steel consortium strives for developing new friction stir welding technologies. The ambitious main general requirements defined for this new joining solutions to be developed include especially:
Avoid part distortions (respect assembly tolerances currently in production)
Assure a proper joining in terms of mechanical strength and weld quality
The mechanical strength must be equal or higher in respect to conventional joining configuration (FDS and SPR)
Assure corrosion protection

One of the 4 demonstrators tackled in Stir4Steel –
friction stir spot welding of a AHSS B-pillar and Al-door frame assembly